Private Chat
1) In addition to the public chat rooms, you can private message 1 on 1 or in a group with up to 6 people. Find the Private Chat by clicking Chatbox in the bottom right corner of your screen.
2) To start a chat with a member, start typing their display name where it says ‘Search Member…’
3) To start a group chat, click the three horizontal lines to the right of ‘Chatbox’. Then click ‘Create New Group’ in the drop-down menu.
4) You can minimize your active conversations to the bottom of your screen to easily access them later.
Posting A Blog
1) Click Blogs in the menu bar to view blogs. Here you can view other members’ public blog posts. You can also create your own public blog posts.
2) To write your own blog click Create a Blog.
3) Blog posts have privacy settings. If you’d like to publish your blog post publicly, click Everyone can read this blog. If you’d like to keep your blog post private, click Only the members I choose can read this blog. Then below, type in your display name. You can also share with select members by typing in their display names.
Update Display Name and Account Settings
1) To change your Display name, click your name in the right top corner of the screen. Under settings, click Account Settings, in the drop-down menu.
2) Click Change next to Display Name to edit the name other members will see. In the Account Settings you can edit your Notification settings. You can also edit your profile (birthday and ‘about me’) in the Account Settings.
Log In to Community Connections Forum
1) To access the Community Connections Forums, click the Community Connections Forums Bar on the home page. Or by clicking Community Connections located in the top menu bar.
2) You will be redirected to the Community Connections Forums Login page. If you are logging into the Community Connections Forums for the first time, use the Sign in Faster option with your Recovery community login credentials on the right side of the screen. Moving forward you will be able to use either sign in option.
3) Use your Recovery Community Login Credentials to also sign into the Community Connections Forums.
4) Each time you log into the Community Connections Forums you will be asked to Authorize. Click Allow.